• Meta challenged the EDPB’s opinion 

    On 12 August 2024, the action brought by Meta Ireland against the European Data Protection Board of 27 June 2024 was published. The company asks to annual ‘Opinion 08/2024 on Valid Consent in the Context of Consent or Pay Models Implemented by Large Online Platforms adopted under Article 64(2) GDPR’ and to be compensated for…

  • EDPB: Clarification of “main establishment” definition 

    EDPB: Clarification of “main establishment” definition 

    On 14 Feb 2024, the Eu Data Protection Board published an “Opinion on the notion of main establishment on the criteria for the application of the One-Stop-Shop mechanism” under the framework of art. 64(2) GDPR, providing the EDPB’s position on the notion of “main establishment” and the circumstance where the One-Stop-Shop mechanism should apply. 

  • EDPB on Controller Binding Corporate Rules 

    Also, on 21 June 2023, the EU Data Protection Board released the final version of Recommendations on the application for approval and on the elements and principles to be found in Controller Binding Corporate Rules. They provide an updated standard application form for the approval of BCR-Cs, clarify the necessary content of BCR-Cs with further…

  • EDPB: guidelines on data transfers & deceptive design patterns

    EDPB: guidelines on data transfers & deceptive design patterns

    Guidelines on the application of Article 3 and Chapter V GDPR, certification as a tool for transfers and deceptive design patterns.