France Antitrust watchdog: Google failed to provide adequate information to its consumers 


Yesterday, on 4 July 2023, the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) announced a sanction against Google for failing to provide clear, fair and transparent information to consumers using its digital platform pursuant to French Consumer Code. 

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DGCCRF’s inspections 

In 2021, the DGCCRF carried out inspections on Google’s platform. It found that:

  • The search engine failed to provide information on the criteria used to rank results.
  • On the search and comparison module for tourist accommodation offers, the checks revealed a failure to provide consumers with information on the pricing conditions of the offers on offer (whether or not the accommodation offer was cancellable and refundable, and whether or not breakfast was included in the price).
  • On the Google Play application store (Store), a number of shortcomings have been identified, notably the absence of information on criteria for ranking results, the quality of the supplier (professional or private), payment terms and dispute resolution.
  • With regard to consumer reviews posted on the Google Play (Store) application store, the operator was penalised for failing to inform the author of a review of the reasons for refusing to publish it.
  • The operator has since corrected some of the shortcomings. 


Following these inspections’ result, the DGCCRF’s Service National des Enquêtes has imposed an administrative fine totalling 2.015 million euros on Google Ireland Ltd, for failure to comply with the regulations set out in the Consumer Code applicable to digital platform operators in terms of consumer information.


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