EDPS’ assessment of the draft of Framework Convention on AI 

Also, yesterday 11 March 2024, the EU Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) released its statement about the draft of the Framework Convention on AI, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. EDPS considers that the framework should be consistent with EU values, protect individuals’ fundamental rights, freedoms, and provide clear, strong safeguards for the subjects affected by the AI-based applications. The framework also should be flexible to accommodate the specificities of national legal systems but it must maintain the key objectives as ‘the future binding legal instrument’, including ‘ensuring a common legal framework, a level playing field for AI actors in EU and beyond’. The EDPS expressed its concerns about the limitation of the framework’s scope to the ‘activities undertaken by public authorities, entities would contradict the overall policy objective of the Framework Convention’ and the ‘absence of red lines’ in the draft prohibiting AI application posing unacceptable levels of risk.   

Press release: 



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