EU: ENISA report on Digital Identity Standards 

Digital Identity

Yesterday, on 3 July 2023, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity released its report on the most important standards and standardisation organisations of Digital Identity. 

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Standards and Standardisation

The report analysed the existing standards relating to different means supporting digital identity, including the trust services’ means, electronic identification means and the EU Digital Identity Wallet. The standards cover some aspects of Digital Identity, including policies; services issuing or managing digital identity means; formats and protocols to be used; ways of auditing related services; requirements for secure devices; or recommended processes and algorithms. 

The standardisation efforts involve several layers of digital identities, extending from the policy and governance level down to the operational and technical specifications level. They also address several elements and technologies supporting digital identities, such as electronic certificates, person identification, signature devices and cybersecurity aspects.

The report uses the following criteria to analyse the available standards: 

  • coverage of the identity management life cycle,
  • maturity of the standards,
  • authentication capabilities (in person versus remote, online versus offline),
  • user sole control and dependencies, for example whether ‘call home’ is needed, 
  • data-protection-enhancing technologies, for example selective disclosure,
  • trust model.

Also, the report proposes a series of recommendations on the digital identity standardisation requirements in support of cybersecurity policy standards for various groups of stakeholders: EU policymakers, European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) and ENISA.


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