EU strengthens cybersecurity capacities 


On 18 April 2023, the Commission adopted a new proposal for the EU Cyber Solidarity Act to reinforce its cybersecurity capacities. In addition, it proposed a targeted amendment to the Cybersecurity Act to enable the eventual adoption of the EU certification scheme for “managed security services”. 

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Cyber Solidarity Act 

This regulation proposal will support detection and awareness of cybersecurity threats, incidents, help the readiness of critical entities, reinforce solidarity, concerted crisis management and response capabilities amongst the Member States. Thus, it will encourage the resilience and reactiveness of the EU in front of cyber threats, and strengthen existing cooperation mechanisms. For example, it will create Cyber Emergence Mechanism to support preparedness actions. Also, it will establish a new EU Cybersecurity Reserve, provision of financial support for mutual assistance between Member States. Furthermore, it proposed Cybersecurity Incident Review Mechanism to enhance Union resilience.

Amendment to the Cybersecurity Act 

This modification aims to build a framework for managed security services which are highly critical and sensitive cybersecurity services. Particularly, it ensures the services activities, e.g., incident response, penetration testing, security audits and consultancy, to assist companies and other organisations prevent, detect, respond or recover from cyber incidents. This text is in line with NIS 2 Directive (Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union) and EU Cybersecurity Reserve. It introduces a definition of those services, which is very closely aligned to the definition of ‘managed security services providers’ under the NIS 2 Directive – i.e., Art. 2 of the Cybersecurity Act. It also adds a new Art. 51a on the security objectives of European cybersecurity certification adapted to ‘managed security services’.


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