UK: Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard Hub 


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Yesterday, the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) and Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) updated their Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard, providing the UK public sector organisations a standardised way to publicly inform about the algorithmic tools they use to support their decisions and their reasons of using such tools.  

According to the template, the organisations may have to provide their algorithmic tool’s core data, including: 

  • Responsible owner information  
  • Detailed description information about the tool: its purpose, benefit… 
  • Integration of the tool into the decision-making process: process, information provided by the tool, actual human decisions and review
  • Decision: mechanisms to appeal and review of the decision made 
  • Algorithm: method, training, applicable social scale and frequency of use
  • Development phases of the tool, its performance, maintenance 
  • Data process: source, lifecycle of data 
  • Impact assessment and risks 

For the private sector organisations, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK Data Protection Authority, published its Guide to Data Protection, including Explaining decisions made with AI. The detail of this Guide is discussed in the AG Project and arranged in the UK section. 

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