If you still wonder of a change in 2023


Image by RosZie on pixabay.com

For those who would like to make decisions following their New Year resolutions, you may find here an interesting research in 2016 by Prof. S. D. Levitt, Univ. of Chicago to make your own reference. His paper “reports on a large-scale randomized field experiment in which research subjects having difficulty making a decision flipped a coin to help determine their choice. For important decisions (e.g. quitting a job or ending a relationship), those who make a change (regardless of the outcome of the coin toss) report being substantially happier two months and six months later. This correlation, however, need not reflect a causal impact.” Regarding the causality, he found the presence of a substantial bias against the decision-making changes in case that those are important. 

The author is right about the suggestiveness of the results of this paper, but it also allows us to reflect about our decision-making process. Quitting to fight in another fierce combat is different from “never quitting but actually never changing”.  

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